IFSC Code > Bank of Baroda IFSC Code > Jammu And Kashmir
This is a district-wise listing of Bank of Baroda branches in Jammu And Kashmir. Find IFSC code of all 9 Bank of Baroda branches across the state.
IFSC codes of Bank of Baroda branches in Jammu And Kashmir
District | |
Jammu | 5 branches |
Gandhinagar- Branch | BARB0GANJAM |
Jammu Kunjwani | BARB0DBJAKU |
Jammu Main Branch | BARB0JAMMUX |
Narwal Br, Jammu | BARB0NARJAM |
Jammu Kashmir | 1 branch |
Kathua | 1 branch |
Kathua,jammu & Kashmir | BARB0KATHUA |
Srinagar | 2 branches |
Durganag, Srinagar (j & K) | BARB0DURGAN |
Srinagar | BARB0DBSRIN |
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