IFSC Code > KVB IFSC Code > Uttar Pradesh
This is a district-wise listing of Karur Vysya Bank branches in Uttar Pradesh. Find IFSC code of all 7 KVB branches across the state.
IFSC codes of KVB branches in Uttar Pradesh
District | |
Bareilly | 1 branch |
Hardaspur | KVBL0004306 |
Gautam Bodda Nagar | 1 branch |
Noida | KVBL0004401 |
Ghaziabad | 1 branch |
Ghaziabad | KVBL0004406 |
Gonda | 1 branch |
Chandapur | KVBL0001329 |
Lucknow | 1 branch |
Lucknow | KVBL0004402 |
Meerut | 1 branch |
Meerut | KVBL0004403 |
Varanasi | 1 branch |
Varanasi | KVBL0004405 |
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