IFSC Code > Canara Bank IFSC Code > Meghalaya
This is a district-wise listing of Canara Bank branches in Meghalaya. Find IFSC code of all 15 Canara Bank branches across the state.
IFSC codes of Canara Bank branches in Meghalaya
District | |
East Khasi Hill | 2 branches |
Shillong | CNRB0019400 |
Shillong Arasu | CNRB0019401 |
East Khasi Hills | 5 branches |
Garikhana,shillong | CNRB0002347 |
Keanes College, Shillong | CNRB0008672 |
Shillong | CNRB0001184 |
Shillong Neepco Extension Counter | CNRB0008675 |
Surokspar Sohiong | CNRB0004154 |
Jaintia Hills | 2 branches |
Jowai | CNRB0004076 |
Khleriahat | CNRB0004153 |
Ri Bhoi | 3 branches |
Byrnihat | CNRB0004155 |
Byrnihat Ii | CNRB0019403 |
Nongpoh | CNRB0004156 |
Shillong | 2 branches |
Nongmynsong | CNRB0019405 |
Shillong Laitumkhrah | CNRB0019404 |
West Khasi Hills | 1 branch |
Nongstoin | CNRB0004183 |
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