IFSC Code > ICICI Bank IFSC Code > Puducherry
This is a district-wise listing of ICICI Bank branches in Puducherry. Find IFSC code of all 7 ICICI Bank branches across the state.
IFSC codes of ICICI Bank branches in Puducherry
District | |
Karaikal | 1 branch |
Karaikal | ICIC0000996 |
Pondicherry | 6 branches |
Lawspet-pondicherry | ICIC0001504 |
Mission Street | ICIC0000056 |
Pondicherry - Chetty Street | ICIC0006233 |
Puducherry | ICIC0001892 |
The Pondicherry Co Operative Urban Bank | ICIC00TPCUB |
Villianur Branch | ICIC0007368 |
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