IFSC Code > Union Bank of India IFSC Code > Sikkim
This is a district-wise listing of Union Bank of India branches in Sikkim. Find IFSC code of all 10 Union Bank of India branches across the state.
IFSC codes of Union Bank of India branches in Sikkim
District | |
East Sikkim | 5 branches |
Gangtok | UBIN0813702 |
Gangtok | UBIN0907669 |
Gangtok | UBIN0553158 |
Ranipool | UBIN0553166 |
Singtam | UBIN0553174 |
North Sikkim | 1 branch |
Mangan | UBIN0557455 |
Siliguri | 1 branch |
Sikkim Manipal Inst | UBIN0558834 |
South Sikkim | 2 branches |
Jorethang | UBIN0553182 |
Namchi | UBIN0567647 |
West Sikkim | 1 branch |
Gayzing | UBIN0557447 |
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